Frank Hope Competent Authority and Attorney General of Guyana v New Guyana Company Ltd and Vincent Teekah
Jurisdiction | Guyana |
Judgment Date | 1979 |
Year | 1979 |
Date | 1979 |
Court | Court of Appeal (Guyana) |
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21 cases
Laramore v Commodore of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force
...P as deriving from Olivier v Buttigieg, Banton v Alcoa Minerals of Jamaica Inc (1971) 17 WIR 275, 282–283 and Hope v New Guyana Ltd (1979) 26 WIR 233, esp 265f-h and 306–312 (although in Hope, and the passage quoted in her judgment from Hope, the word in fact used is "consequential", rath......
- Ramson v Barker and Another
- Attorney-General v Mohamed Alli and Others
Shamari Hodge Terrence Richardson Vaughn Brodie Claimants v Commissioner of Police Defendant [ECSC]
...8 77 ER 209 9 [1886–90] All ER 651 10 (1973) 20 WIR 229 @ pg. 237 11 (1996) 54 WIR 256 @ pg.261, 263–264 12 (1982) 33 WIR 183 13 (1979) 26 WIR 233 14Hope and AG-v-New Guyana Co. and Teekah—Per Crane JA @ pg. 265. 15 (1995) LRC 145 16 (1994) 46WIR 218 17 (1978) 26 WIR 133 18 [1954] SCR 107......
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7 books & journal articles
The evolution of constitutional protection of fundamental rights in Guyana
...approach adopted by the courts in Guyana and indeed the rest of the English-speaking Commonwealth Caribbean. The dictum 8 (1979) 26 W.I.R. 233. 9 In Ameerally and Bentham v A-G (1978) 25WTR272. 10 (1971) 17 WIR 275 at 304. 11 Ibid. pp. 260-261. referred to 12 seems to suggest that Guyana li......
Judicial Independence as an Indispensable Feature of the Rule of Law and Democracy: Implications for the Commonwealth Caribbean
...and R. James and H. Lutchman, Law and the Political Environment in Guyana (IDS, Turkeyen 1984) 143–65. 48. Hope v New Guyana Co Ltd [1979] 26 WIR 233 (CA Guy). 49. AG v Alli (1987) 41 WIR 176 (CA Guy). Transitions in Caribbean Law the outcome when decisions of fact are made by a jury of 12 ......
State proceedings in the Commonwealth Caribbean
...W.I.R. 403; Francis v. Chief of Police [1972] A.C. 761; A. G. v. Antigua Times [1976] A.C. 16 (P.C.); Hope v. The New Guyana Co. Ltd. (1979) 26 W.I.R. 233, and Joseph v. A.G. (1980)27W.I.R. 394. 149 See e.g. Camacho and Sons Ltd. v. Collector of Customs (1971) 18 W.I.R. 159 (C.A.- West Indi......
Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Commonwealth Caribbean by S.Y. Mohammed
...DeMerieux) would evince the greatest amount of disunity. Ms. DeMerieux discusses the Guyana case of Frank Hope v. New Guyana Co. Ltd., (1979) 26 W.I.R. 233, where the Guyana Court of Appeal gave legitimacy to the plan of the PNC government to eliminate opposition newspapers, by denying the ......
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